Hearing Loss & Dementia


There is a growing body of research that links untreated hearing loss as a risk factor for developing dementia. A report published recently in the Lancet, “Dementia prevention, intervention and care” by Prof G Livingston, outlines the 12 potentially modifiable risk factors. Hearing loss is one of the biggest modifiable risk factors for developing dementia - even in midlife.

Studies have shown a decrease in cognition with every 10dB reduction in hearing. Not being able to hear fully, increases your feelings of loneliness and isolation. This has shown to increase the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, due to physiological changes such as increasing blood pressure.

At Ear Matters Exeter we believe that we should give our clients the best quality of life with the highest standard of care. Blocked ears due to wax can cause significant hearing loss, with our simple and safe procedure we hope to allow clients to have their very best health.

You can read the Lancet report in full here.


Why Can’t I Have My Ear Wax Removed by my GP?


Healthy Ear Guide